FREDERICA L. MILLER, a native of Canada and wife of William Nicholas Miller, a prominent Canadian attorney, turned with her husband to Christian Science for the healing of grief over the loss of a son. In 1894, Frederica and her husband became members of The Mother Church, and they were both invited to attend Mrs. Eddy’s last class in 1898. Mr. Miller was appointed to the Board of Lectureship in 1899 and, at Mrs. Eddy’s request, he and his wife went to England. The Millers remained in London, where they helped to organize First Church of Christ, Scientist. Mrs. Miller quickly established herself as a Christian Science teacher and practitioner in that city. In 1905, the Millers helped organize Third Church of Christ, Scientist, London, and five years later Frederica herself laid the cornerstone for the church. Because they lived too far from Boston to attend meetings, the Millers were, on the recommendation of Mrs. Eddy, made Honorary Executive Members of The Mother Church.