Mary Baker Eddy’s New England: Tours with Longyear Museum

About the Tour

Enjoy scenic New Hampshire and Massachusetts while deepening your understanding of the life and times of a renowned daughter of New England—Mary Baker Eddy. Through visits to each of Longyear Museum’s eight historic houses, this tour presents distinct chapters in the life story of the Discoverer, Founder, and Leader of Christian Science.

Standing in the very rooms where Mrs. Eddy lived, worked, and prayed, you’ll trace her journey of spiritual discovery, healing, teaching, and establishment of a worldwide religion. (Other sites on the tour include the Congregational church young Mary and her parents attended and The Mother Church in Boston.) Together with knowledgeable Longyear guides, you’ll refer to Retrospection and Introspection, Mrs. Eddy’s own account of her life work, as you travel from her birthplace in Bow to her final residence in Chestnut Hill.

Each stop, each activity, each conversation with guides and fellow participants will provide opportunities to grow in appreciation and understanding of Mrs. Eddy and her mission to mankind.

Dates and Registration

Spring Tour: June 5–June 8, 2025

Spring Sign-Up

Fall Tour: Oct. 2–Oct. 5, 2025

Fall Sign-Up

Is your tour sold out? Get on our waitlist:

Join 2025 Waitlist

Click here to sign up for the 2026 priority list.

Pricing Per Person

Single Room | $2,400
Double Room | $2,100

While completing the online registration form, you will have the opportunity to indicate room choice, meal preferences, and special needs, if any.

Frequently Asked Questions

For 2025, the itineraries will be virtually identical, starting on a Thursday morning and ending on Sunday night. (Some years, the trips may start on different days of the week, which could affect attendance at a specific church service.)

Longyear reserves the right to adjust planned itineraries for either trip, dependent on weather, group needs, safety, or other circumstances.

There is some walking (never more than half a mile at a time), some standing during presentations at various locations (though we make every effort to provide  sufficient seating), and multiple occasions embarking and disembarking from the bus each day.

Several of the historic houses require the use of narrow, steep staircases to visit upper levels and living quarters.

Some locations may be navigable for an individual using a walking stick or walker for light balance. However, other locations may require extra effort or care when traversing sloping ground or thresholds and stairs in buildings.

This tour is not suitable for wheelchair users or those with severe mobility constraints, as only two of the eight historic houses have elevators and can accommodate wheelchairs (Lynn and Chestnut Hill). The tour bus is not equipped with a ramp or special space for wheelchairs.

We are not able to make travel or lodging reservations beyond those included in the tour. However, once you are registered on a tour, we do provide a list of recommended places and information on getting to/from Longyear Museum at the start and end of the tour.

The most efficient way is to pay online by credit card. You will be guided through this process during registration, which requires a deposit of $1,000 per person to hold a space, with the balance due 60 days before the tour start.

If you prefer to pay by check, please call or email Laura Long at 617.278.9000, ext. 275, or

  • For changes or cancellations made at least 60 days prior to the tour, we can provide a full refund.
  • Longyear is not able to provide any refunds for changes or cancellations made less than 60 days prior to the start date.
  • We encourage participants to consider travel insurance to cover unforeseen events.

Click here to join the 2025 waitlist. We’ll make sure you’re notified if any space on the upcoming tours becomes available.  

Click here to sign up for early-bird information regarding our 2026 tours.  

Please contact Laura Long by phone at 617.278.9000, ext. 275, or by email at

Help preserve Mrs. Eddy’s homes

Your donation helps to keep the historic houses open for all.