MINNIE B. HALL MURPHY DESOTO’S father, Charles Hall, was a pioneer prospector with large mining interests in Colorado and Arizona. Minnie’s youth was largely spent on their Colorado ranch, before the family finally settled in Denver. In 1885, Minnie’s mother, who was afflicted with blindness and lameness, decided to seek medical help in New York City. Minnie and her sister Nettie accompanied her, and on the way there they stopped in Chicago, where they first heard of Christian Science. They contacted Roger Sherman, a Christian Science practitioner, and Mrs. Hall was completely healed. Prior to returning to Denver, Minnie and her mother had Christian Science instruction with Bradford Sherman, Roger’s father. Back in Denver, small meetings were held in their home which did much to promote the growth of Christian Science in that city. In May 1886, Minnie Hall traveled to Boston for Normal class with Mrs. Eddy at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and in the same year she founded the Students Christian Science Association in Denver. She taught continuously in Denver for over 50 years.