FRANK WALTER GALE became aware of Christian Science in 1885 when his mother, who had been confined to her bed for over three years, asked him to investigate a newspaper article on the subject. Some months later, she received treatment from a Christian Science practitioner and was healed within two weeks. Mother and son then began a serious study of Christian Science, and in 1887 moved from the San Francisco area to San Diego, California. Frank studied Christian Science with Mrs. Eddy in 1888 at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and the following year he and his mother commenced church services, and later organized a Sunday School, in San Diego. He was listed as a practitioner in that city in The Christian Science Journal from August 1889 to December 1891, and after returning to San Francisco, he and his mother were once again active in branch church organization. Frank Gale became the first president, and later Second Reader of First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco. Later, he served as Committee on Publication for the State of California, and in 1922 he taught the Normal class of the Christian Science Board of Education.