ELIZABETH LASHER KINTER met and married George H. Kinter when he was in business in Detroit, Michigan. After the couple moved to Buffalo, New York, Elizabeth’s mother became seriously ill and remained ill despite months of medical treatment. When Mrs. Lasher was persuaded to try Christian Science, she found herself completely well, and during a visit to her daughter and son-in-law, she interested them in the new teaching. Desiring to learn more, the Kinters had Primary class instruction in Buffalo in 1891, and were soon listed in The Christian Science Journal. In 1901, Elizabeth and George attended the Normal class in Boston under the Board of Education. Two years later, when her husband was called to serve Mrs. Eddy as a secretary at Pleasant View, Mrs. Kinter and their adopted niece stayed behind in Buffalo. So great was Elizabeth Kinter’s desire to help the Cause of Christian Science that she agreed to this separation, not only for the initial period of 15 months, but on several other occasions.