Edward Everett Norwood, C.S.B.

Portrait by Eben F. Comins. Original Longyear Collection.


EDWARD EVERETT NORWOOD of Memphis, Tennessee, learned of Christian Science in 1893 when it was presented to his mother. In the spring of 1895, he took class instruction in New York with Carol Norton and again in 1897 (not an uncommon practice at that time). Meanwhile, Edward served the Christian Science church in Memphis as assistant pastor and later as Second Reader. At Mrs. Eddy’s invitation, he attended her last class in 1898, and taught his own first class after returning to Memphis. Mr. Norwood served as First Reader of the church in Chattanooga, and later in Charleston, South Carolina. He earned Mrs. Eddy’s gratitude for his successful effort while in Charleston to locate the Masonic record of St. Andrew’s Lodge, of which Major George Glover, Mrs. Eddy’s first husband, was Past Master. Edward Norwood and his wife read together in Washington, D.C., and quickly made that city their home. Mrs. Eddy selected Mr. Norwood to take charge of making the plates for the 1907 edition of Science and Health, and to help in preparing the chapter on Fruitage.

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