ELLA E. WILLIAMS, a resident of Massachusetts, became a chronic invalid shortly after leaving school. Her husband took her to Winfield, Kansas, for the winters, planning to return to the East each summer. After their return the first summer, Ella heard of Christian Science, purchased a copy of Science and Health, and within three months was enjoying good health. In November 1887, she had class instruction with Mrs. Eddy at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and immediately returned to Kansas to practice Christian Science. The Williams family moved back East permanently in 1889, her husband having lost his western property, and although they had no visible means of support, Mrs. Williams’ one desire was to serve the Cause of Christian Science. She began to distribute Christian Science pamphlets to neighbors. One lady came to her for healing, followed by others, and she was soon in demand as a Christian Science practitioner. She also served as First Reader of the church in Chelsea, Massachusetts, until called in 1902 to be Second Reader in The Mother Church.