CALVIN C. HILL was in the dry climate of Colorado seeking better health when a fellow salesman suggested that he try Christian Science. Although at first resistant, he eventually began its study, and with treatment by Frances Mack Mann, a practitioner in Denver, Colorado, was healed in the spring of 1895. Within a few weeks, he moved to Boston. In 1899, while working as a carpet and drapery salesman, he went to Pleasant View to help assist with the home décor. Mrs. Eddy quickly recognized the sincerity of his interest in Christian Science. Calvin helped purchase furnishings for Mrs. Eddy and her household staff, and was eventually entrusted with messages to the Christian Science Board of Directors. Later, he was appointed to the Committee on Business to help find suitable workers for Mrs. Eddy’s home. Mr. Hill attended the Normal class in 1902 under the Christian Science Board of Education, and about that time became Superintendent of The Mother Church Sunday School, a position he held for 14 years. He also served on the Finance Committee for nearly 40 years. From 1899 on, he was listed in The Christian Science Journal as a practitioner and later a teacher in Boston.