LOUISE KNIGHT WHEATLEY COOK HOVNANIAN wanted to become a writer from very early on, and her first book was published after graduating from a private girls’ school in New York. When she began the study of Christian Science, however, she turned her literary talents in a new direction, finding satisfying expression in articles for the Christian Science periodicals. In total, Louise wrote over 70 articles and poems for the periodicals from 1908 to 1958, several of which were later reprinted in pamphlet form. Her article “The First Step” appeared in the September 25, 1909 Sentinel and was flagged by Mrs. Eddy, who wrote across the cover, “Keep this no. on my table….” Mrs. Hovnanian became a member of The Mother Church in 1906, and received Primary class instruction in 1913. She became an authorized teacher of Christian Science in 1916, and from 1917 through 1958 taught in her hometown of Kansas City, Missouri. Appointed to the Christian Science Board of Lectureship in 1935, Louise Hovnanian lectured in Europe and North America.