WILLIAM D. McCRACKAN of New York turned to Christian Science in 1900. Within a few months, he had Primary class instruction in New York City and, at Mrs. Eddy’s invitation, Normal class under the Board of Education in Boston. William served three years as Committee on Publication for New York, and in 1905 was appointed First Reader of The Mother Church. Mr. McCrackan was responsible for the final proofreading of Mrs. Eddy’s 1906 revision of Science and Health. He was made a Trustee of The Christian Science Publishing Society in January 1908, resigning six months later when he became a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship. After serving as a lecturer for eight years, he began a three-year term as an Associate Editor of the periodicals. William McCrackan was a member of the committee in charge of translating Mrs. Eddy’s writings into French, and from 1917 to 1918 he was President of The Mother Church. For 21 years, his classes and association meetings were held in New York City.