WILLIAM R. RATHVON first learned of Christian Science in 1893 while living temporarily in Chicago, Illinois. He and his wife, Ella Rathvon, had class instruction there with Mary W. Adams before returning to Colorado. After several years in the community of Florence, where they helped to establish Christian Science, they moved to Boulder. They joined First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boulder, and devoted time to the practice of Christian Science. William had Primary class instruction in 1903, and was in the 1907 Normal class, teaching his first class the following year. Mrs. Eddy called him to work in her Chestnut Hill home in 1908, and he served for several years as a corresponding secretary. After Mrs. Eddy’s passing, the Rathvons moved back to Colorado, settling this time in Denver, where William taught until 1925. Mr. Rathvon served on the Christian Science Board of Lectureship from 1911 until 1918, at which time he was appointed Treasurer of The Mother Church. He held that position for just a few months before being elected to the Christian Science Board of Directors, an office in which he served until 1939.