Concord Series: Part Two

  • Kelly Byquist

This is the second in a three-part series about the growth of the Christian Science church in Concord, New Hampshire.

Christian Science Hall was situated on the corner of North State and School Streets in downtown Concord. Photograph, LMDB-12055 – p11-1, Longyear Museum collection.
The 91st Psalm in the Holy Bible.

The ninety-first Psalm contains “more of meaning than is condensed into so many words anywhere else in all literature, except in the Sermon on the Mount,” Mary Baker Eddy told a group gathered in Christian Science Hall in 1898.1

The meeting was a memorable occasion. Christian Science Hall in Concord, New Hampshire, was newly remodeled, and Mrs. Eddy had invited the First Members of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, as well as the mayor and postmaster of Concord and a number of local businessmen, lawyers, and newspaper editors.2

“Every inch of standing room on this historic occasion was taken and many were turned away,” recalled Rev. Irving Tomlinson, one of Mrs. Eddy’s students who would later become First Reader in Concord.3

When Mrs. Eddy arrived, escorted by Edward Bates, another student who had traveled up from Boston for the service, all rose in respect as she made her way to the platform.

The second-floor auditorium of Christian Science Hall, where church services were held in Concord, New Hampshire, between 1897 and 1903. It is here that Mrs. Eddy delivered two sermons and taught her last class of students in 1898. The organ was a gift from members of The Mother Church.4  Photograph, P2305, Longyear Museum collection.

“Mrs. Eddy appeared at her best,” reported a local newspaper, “as sprightly and energetic as a young woman.”5

A hymn was sung by Harriet Harrison, “the charming soloist” who lost her voice for eight years and had recently been healed by Christian Science.6 And then Mrs. Eddy delivered an extemporaneous and inspiring sermon on the 91st Psalm.7

“Speaking for three quarters of an hour, with neither manuscript nor notes,” Rev. Tomlinson explained, “she appeared as free as though giving an address was to her an everyday occurrence. Her voice was resonant, beautifully modulated. She gave to every word its proper value and to every thought the right inflection. Her manner of presentation was so natural, so unaffected, that the attention of her auditors remained wholly on the message and not at all upon the messenger who gave it.”8

This 91st Psalm pen and ink inscription, encased in a gold-leaf frame and surrounded by a hand-embroidered mat with a motif of morning glories, hung in Christian Science Hall and is now located in First Church of Christ, Scientist, Concord, New Hampshire.10

“She spoke extemporaneously,” noted a local Concord paper, “bringing out especially the theory of Christian Science as applied to practical life, and she explained the doctrines of her faith with such simplicity, and yet with such choice language and richness of illustration, that the address was pronounced one of the most instructive and ennobling ever delivered in this city. . . . Her followers here felt afresh the wondrous influence of her remarkable spirituality, and the very atmosphere of her presence seemed to thrill them with enthusiasm, and to awaken in them zeal.”9

Mrs. Eddy had first moved to Concord nearly ten years earlier in the summer of 1889, leaving behind the hustle and bustle of Boston for the quieter New Hampshire countryside. It was while living in a rented house at 62 North State Street that she published the landmark 50th edition of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures as well as Retrospection and Introspection. In June of 1892, she moved to a modest farmhouse on the outskirts of town, where she would live for the next 15 and a half years. She named her new home “Pleasant View.”

Hand-colored photograph of Pleasant View, the home where Mrs. Eddy lived from 1892 to 1908. Photograph, P6143, Longyear Museum collection.

“A home should be something more than four walls,” Mrs. Eddy told Irving Tomlinson. “There should be about it noble trees, beautiful shrubbery, flowers, vines clambering over the house, and a rose garden.”

And that, Tomlinson noted, “is what she made of the desolate spot transformed into Pleasant View. . . .”11

Not long after transforming her own home, Mrs. Eddy would furnish another kind of home in downtown Concord. This one would be called Christian Science Hall.

The Russell estate, which Mrs. Eddy purchased for $14,000 in 1897 (roughly $460,000 in 2020), was transformed within months into Christian Science Hall.12 Photograph, LMDB-12055 – p8-1, Longyear Museum collection.
Ezra and Elizabeth Buswell in Beatrice, Nebraska. A student of Mrs. Eddy’s, Ezra was called by her to Concord in 1895, where he helped oversee the construction of Christian Science Hall, served as practitioner on the premises, and later became First Reader. Photograph, P0255, Longyear Museum collection

In early 1895, nine Christian Scientists were meeting and holding church services in Ezra and Elizabeth Buswell’s house in Concord.13 Over the next two years, the services gradually outgrew private parlors and rented halls in town, and Mrs. Eddy foresaw the need of a church for the swelling congregation.14 In the fall of 1897, she purchased the Russell estate, a colonial house on the corner of North State and School Streets,15 and by the end of October had “proposed to one of Concord’s best builders the plan for Christian Science Hall.”16

During the remodeling process, Mrs. Eddy “inspected the work every day, suggested the details outside and inside from the foundations to the tower, and saw them carried out.”17 One day, when ill health threatened the carpenter’s foreman, she healed him on the spot.18 On another day, she gave each of the workmen—17 in all—a five-dollar gold piece out of gratitude for their willingness to work on Thanksgiving Day.19

Printed on this commemorative card is a verse from a well-beloved Christian hymn: “Daughter of Zion, awake from thy sadness; Awake! for thy foes shall oppress thee no more. Bright o’er the hills dawns the day-star of gladness; Arise! for the night of thy sorrow is o’er.” At Mrs. Eddy’s direction, this verse was one of the inscriptions on a wall in Christian Science Hall. Photograph, P2307, Longyear Museum collection.

“Under her loving and watchful eye the workmen outdid themselves,” Tomlinson wrote, “and Christian Science Hall was completed and ready for occupancy in twenty-two working days.”20

By early December, the remodeling was complete. The former two-story house now offered an auditorium on the second floor—which could seat 200, and 30 more if push came to shove—and on the lower floor, a Reading Room, a practitioner’s office, and a suite of rooms for the Hall’s caretaker and residents, which often were the First and Second Readers.21 A vestibule and a porch were also added to the front of the building. The Concord Monitor dubbed the hall “one of the handsomest auditoriums in the city.”22

“I have provided for you a modest hall, in which to assemble as a sort of Christian Science kindergarten for teaching the ‘new tongue’ of the gospel with ‘signs following,’ of which St. Mark prophesies,” Mrs. Eddy wrote the congregation on the second Sunday service in December.23

After visiting the Hall in February to deliver a moving sermon on the 91st Psalm, Mrs. Eddy returned for two days in November 1898 to teach her final class. It had been almost a decade since she had taught at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College in Boston, and this special class would prepare about 70 students for the work that lay ahead. “The students in my last class in 1898,” Mrs. Eddy wrote, “are stars in my crown of rejoicing.”24

Siblings Irving (left) and Mary Tomlinson (right) were First and Second Readers in Concord from 1899 to 1906. They initially read at Christian Science Hall (where they also lived as caretakers), and later at First Church of Christ, Scientist, Concord.25 Photographs, P1337 and P1344, Longyear Museum collection.

Irving Tomlinson’s living room at Christian Science Hall. Photograph, P2306, Longyear Museum collection.

February 22, 1899 was another memorable day for the congregation in Concord. “In the annals of our denomination this church becomes historic,” Mrs. Eddy wrote on the day that First Church of Christ, Scientist, Concord, was formally organized.26

The fact that February 22 also commemorated George Washington’s birthday didn’t slip anyone’s notice.

“The action of last evening puts the Christian Science organization in this city upon a permanent footing,” reported the Concord Evening Monitor, “and it is both pertinent and significant that a church standing so emphatically for freedom from both sin and sickness should choose Washington’s birthday as a date for perfecting its status.”27

Mrs. Eddy also recognized its importance: “Memorable date, all unthought of till the day had passed! Then we beheld the omen, —religious liberty, —the Father of the universe and the father of our nation on concurrence.”28

Top left: Christian Scientists conduct business in the Reading Room at Christian Science Hall, circa 1902. Irving Tomlinson is seated at right. His sister, Mary Tomlinson, is standing nearby, third from the right. On the mantel is a bronze clock and several vases given to the Hall in 1898 by Christian Scientists from Boston, New York, and Scotland.29 Photograph, P1520, Longyear Museum collection. Top right and bottom center: The beautiful clock is now located at First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Concord, as are the vases!

Over the next few years, Mrs. Eddy would visit Christian Science Hall on occasion, as would her staff.30 She would write inspiring messages to the Concord congregation, send beautiful flowers from Pleasant View, and deliver her last address away from home here.31

Mrs. Eddy’s handyman and groundskeeper John Salchow records that flowers from the gardens and the greenhouse at Pleasant View were often sent down the road to adorn Christian Science Hall,32 including at Easter. “Easter services at Christian Science Hall were of more than ordinary interest and impressiveness,” the Concord Evening Monitor reported in 1899. “The floral display occupied the entire north end of the hall, and was rare and beautiful. Rose trees were there in full bloom, while hydrangeas, tulips, palms, and ferns were intermingled in profusion. The flower of nearly every section of the country was represented, many rare plants and cuttings being loving tributes of the day, from friends in distant parts of the country.”33 Photograph taken on Easter Sunday in 1898, P2300, Longyear Museum collection.

When the congregation eventually outgrew Christian Science Hall, Mrs. Eddy would once again give another gift to her hometown. She had planned, fitted, and financed Christian Science Hall, contributed to the paving of Pleasant Street and other local roads, and supported local celebrations like Old Home Week and the State Fair. Her next gift to Concord was to be a beautiful granite church edifice.

Christian Science Hall commemorative teacups and souvenir spoon. Artifacts, LMDB-3785, LMDB-2090, 2012.107.0001, Longyear Museum collection.

On June 1, 1903, Christian Science Hall was torn down to make way for the new church building. Mrs. Eddy had envisioned an edifice for the members of First Church of Christ, Scientist in Concord some years earlier. In 1898, she had given $100,000 (over $3.25 million today) to a trust to build a granite edifice in Concord, money which, according to Irving Tomlinson, amounted to about half of all her available funds at the time. Although it took longer than anticipated, by 1903, the time was finally ripe for a new church home.34

“It had been Mrs. Eddy’s earnest desire to preserve Christian Science Hall around which clustered so many happy memories,” Tomlinson wrote, but because the location was perfect, the Hall too small, and it was found impossible to move it elsewhere, it was razed instead.35

“Christian Science Hall will ever occupy a sacred spot in the memory of Christian Scientists who value familiar landmarks in the history of the movement,” recalled Tomlinson, who had seen the congregation build up in numbers since he first arrived in Concord in 1899.36

After the final meeting in the Hall in 1903, a newspaper gave this bittersweet report: “The deep sense of appreciation, manifest by reason of the active preparations for the handsome new church presented by Mrs. Eddy, was accompanied by a natural regret at the thought of parting from a place so dear to all.”37

Though “a place so dear to all” was to be demolished, the beautiful granite edifice of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Concord, would soon take its place, and would fulfill a hope that Mrs. Eddy had cherished since 1897.

Two stained glass windows from Christian Science Hall are now in Longyear’s collection. Featuring an open Bible and Cross and Crown emblem, the windows were located behind the First and Second Reader’s platform in the auditorium. Photograph, P2316, Longyear Museum collection.


This is part two of a three-part series. The first article focused on Concord’s 1899 Old Home Week, and the third article looks more closely at First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Concord, New Hampshire.


  1. “A Memorable Occasion,” The Christian Science Journal 16 (April 1898): 3-4; reprinted from the People and Patriot (Concord, N.H.), March 4, 1898. “Before speaking she read the 91st psalm, which she denominated the pearl of the psalter,” reported the Boston Globe. “She announced as her subject, ‘Not Matter, but Mind,’ and said the way it is found was, first, by the knowledge of God, and second, by the understanding of God.” “Christian Scientists: They Hear Rev Mary Baker Eddy Preach at Concord,” Boston Daily Globe, February 28, 1898.
  2. Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson, Twelve Years with Mary Baker Eddy Amplified Edition (Boston: The Christian Science Publishing Society, 1994), 177. The Concord Monitor recorded a handful of the visiting Christian Scientists who were present on the occasion: William Johnson, Ira and Flavia Knapp, Joseph Armstrong, Caroline Bates, Janet Colman, Mrs. Clark, Laura Sargent, Julia Bartlett, Janette Weller, Joseph and Mary Eastaman, James Neal, Septimus Hanna, Thomas Hatten, Emily Meader, Alfred Baker, Irving Tomlinson, William McKenzie, Burnice Goodall,  Laura Lathrop, John Lathrop, Emilie Hulin, Mrs. C. Frame, Mrs. Skinner, Augusta Stetson, Mr. Tomkins, Mr. and Mrs. Green, Mrs. Berry, and Henrietta Chanfrau. “Mrs. Eddy Spoke,” Concord Monitor, February 28, 1898.
  3. Tomlinson, Twelve Years, 177.
  4. “The New Hall at Concord,” The Christian Science Journal 15 (January 1898): 588-592.
  5. “A Memorable Occasion,” The Christian Science Journal; reprinted from the People and Patriot (Concord, N.H.), March 4, 1898.
  6. The People and Patriot goes on to say: “Mrs. Harrison is the lady who lost her voice about eight years ago, and was recently restored to health by Christian Science, as expounded by Mrs. Eddy, and this is the first time that she has sung in public since her recovery. She had volunteered to sing whenever Mrs. Eddy might signify her wish to have her do so, and this occasion was selected for the purpose, and most effectively did Mrs. Harrison fulfil the mission. Many eyes were wet with tears as her rich voice sounded the notes of the beautiful selection, and upon her upturned face was a smile of joy as she filled the hearts of her hearers with sympathetic appreciation.” Ibid.
  7. Unfortunately, the sermon was never adequately recorded. According to Irving Tomlinson, a stenographer was hired to take down the address, “but his effort was a failure.” Tomlinson, Twelve Years, 178.
  8. Ibid. Tomlinson recalls her words as being “simple and direct.” He continues, “She did not hesitate to make use of illustration or forceful story to point a moral or enhance the effectiveness of her sermon; but there was no needless verbiage, there were no flowers of rhetoric. The listener felt that the preacher had a burning message to deliver and that her only desire was that this truth, which was so real and precious to her, should become the possession of every hearer.” Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson, “Reminiscences of Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson, C.S.B.,” 185, The Mary Baker Eddy Collection, The Mary Baker Eddy Library, Boston, Massachusetts (hereafter referenced as MBEL).
  9. “A Memorable Occasion,” The Christian Science Journal; reprinted from the People and Patriot (Concord, N.H.), March 4, 1898. The paper adds that Mrs. Eddy spoke “with an eloquence, force, and impressiveness that held her congregation in profound attention. . . .”
  10. “Miscellany,” Christian Science Sentinel 1 (December 22, 1898): 3; reprinted from the Independent Statesman (Concord, N. H.).
  11. Tomlinson, Twelve Years, 212.
  12. The 11,000 square foot property was purchased on behalf of Mrs. Eddy by C.E. Jackson, a Boston real estate broker. “Valuable Real Estate,” Concord Monitor, September 30, 1897.
  13. Ezra and Elizabeth Buswell, originally from Beatrice, Nebraska, were both students of Mrs. Eddy; they were taught at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College in 1887, 1888, and 1889 (Ezra would also be taught by Mrs. Eddy in November 1898 at Christian Science Hall). At Mrs. Eddy’s wish, the couple took charge of the tiny congregation in Concord. “Will you come to this field and settle?” she wrote Ezra in 1894. “This is my home and my native state and I feel a deep interest in having a student here who is the right kind, and will honor the cause of Christ.” Mary Baker Eddy to Ezra M. Buswell, May 31, 1894, L08347, MBEL. The Buswell’s would move to Concord in early 1895. Mary Baker Eddy to Ezra M. Buswell, January 21, 1895, L08351, MBEL.
  14. “Church Organization Perfected in Concord, N.H.,” Christian Science Sentinel 1 (March 2, 1899): 7-8. “Dedication of the Church in Concord,” Christian Science Sentinel 6 (July 23, 1904): 740. Although it was not Mrs. Eddy’s intent to be so involved with shepherding a formal organization in Concord, she nevertheless consented. She writes, “The movement of establishing in this city a church of our faith was far from my purpose, when I came here, knowing that such an effort would involve a lessening of the retirement I so much desired. But the demand increased, and I consented, hoping thereby to give to many in this city a church home.” First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany, 163-164.
  15. “It is called the finest location in the city,” Mrs. Eddy reflected upon her purchase of the property. Mary Baker Eddy to Joseph Armstrong, October 13, 1897, L02839, MBEL. Mrs. Eddy was very familiar with the area herself. She had lived at 62 North State Street from 1889 to 1892 and had frequented the neighborhood as a child. She had attended, alongside her parents, church in Concord as a young girl and had spent time on North State Street under the shade of a large tree between the morning and afternoon Sunday services. Miscellany, 147. “Mrs. Eddy took an affectionate satisfaction in associating Christian Science Hall with the very early days when her parents attended the Congregational Church in Concord,” Tomlinson corroborates. Tomlinson, Twelve Years, 150.
  16. Miscellany, 145; reprinted from “Letter from Mrs. Eddy,” The Christian Science Journal 15 (March 1898): 731.
  17. Miscellany, 145. “It was she who planned the Hall and the pretty tower,” Tomlinson corroborates. “She selected the furnishings for the auditorium. She once told the writer that during the reconstruction not a day passed that she did not visit the spot to advise or forward the progress of the work.” Tomlinson reminiscences, 283, MBEL.
  18. See Miscellany, 145. See also Tomlinson reminiscences, 283, MBEL.
  19. “The New Hall at Concord,” The Christian Science Journal.
  20. Tomlinson reminiscences, 283, MBEL.
  21. “The New Hall at Concord,” The Christian Science Journal. Anna B. White Baker, “Happy Memories of Mary Baker Eddy,” We Knew Mary Baker Eddy Expanded Edition, Vol. II (Boston: The Christian Science Publishing Society, 2013), 291-292. During their Readership from 1899 to 1906, Irving and Mary Tomlinson lived in the apartment in Christian Science Hall, except for a brief interlude when Dr. Alfred Baker and Anna White Baker were called to take charge of the Reading Room. The Bakers were eventually asked to leave Christian Science Hall so that they could work in Mrs. Eddy’s Pleasant View home, and during the interim the Reading Room was closed. Tomlinson reminiscences, 343, MBEL. “Reading Room at Concord, N.H.,” Christian Science Sentinel 4 (October 31, 1901): 138. The entire downstairs of Christian Science Hall had a total of 9 rooms. Mary Baker Eddy to First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass., December 29, 1897, L02669, MBEL. There was also a private room at Christian Science Hall for Mrs. Eddy’s use. It appears that she may have used it when she spent one night in the Hall in the fall of 1902. Mary Baker Eddy to Irving C. Tomlinson/Mary E. Tomlinson, September 1, 1902, L03777, MBEL. Additionally, a feature of the property, which was there when Mrs. Eddy purchased it, was a stable that adjoined the house. Baker, We Knew Mary Baker Eddy Vol. II, 292.
  22. “The New Hall at Concord,” The Christian Science Journal; reprinted from the Concord Monitor. The purchase and remodeling of the Russell estate cost Mrs. Eddy $20,000 dollars (over $650,000 in 2020)—$14,000 to purchase the estate and $6,000 was spent on renovations. “Rev. Mary Baker Eddy’s Gift,” Christian Science Sentinel 5 (May 9, 1903): 573; Tomlinson reminiscences, 282, MBEL; “Valuable Real Estate,” Concord Monitor.
  23. Miscellany, 147. The first Sunday service in Christian Science Hall was held on December 5, 1897.
  24. Ibid., 125. This would be the last class that Mrs. Eddy would ever teach. 66 Christian Scientists and 2 newspapermen (Allan H. Robinson and George H. Moses, later U.S. Senator from New Hampshire) attended. To learn more about this special class, click here to read another Longyear research article.
  25. Irving and Mary Tomlinson would replace Ezra Buswell (First Reader) and Mrs. Elvie Piper (Second Reader) at Christian Science Hall, per Mrs. Eddy’s request. The Tomlinson’s would serve as Readers until 1906, when a new By-Law in The Mother Church Manual limited the term of Readers to three years. Minnie B. Weygandt, “Reminisces of Miss Minnie Bell Weygandt and of Miss Mary Ellen Weygandt,” 6, MBEL. The Buswell’s, who since 1897 had occupied Christian Science Hall, returned to Nebraska at that time. “To Leave Concord,” Christian Science Sentinel 1 (January 26, 1899): 13. “Concord Items,” Christian Science Sentinel 1 (February 2, 1899): 3. Irving Tomlinson, like Mr. Buswell before him, would maintain a practitioner’s office in Christian Science Hall. In addition to First Reader, Irving served as Superintendent of the Sunday School, President of the Church, a member of the Board of Trustees and also acted as its chairman. Tomlinson reminiscences, 378, MBEL.
  26. Miscellany, 148; reprinted from “Address by Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy,” Christian Science Sentinel 1 (March 2, 1899): 4. For more information about the formal organization, see “Church Organization Perfected in Concord, N.H.,” Christian Science Sentinel; reprinted from the Concord Monitor, February 23, 1899.
  27. Ibid.
  28. Miscellany, 148.
  29. “One of the handsomest bronze clocks in the city. . . .” was a gift from a New Yorker; the large cut glass vase was from a Bostonian; and the two smaller vases were from Scotland. “Miscellany,” Christian Science Sentinel.
  30. According to Minnie Weygandt, a cook who assisted Mrs. Eddy at Pleasant View, the members of the household would drive in the carriage to attend services at Christian Science Hall. Weygandt reminiscences, 82, MBEL.
  31. Mrs. Eddy’s final address away from home was on September 5, 1899. She spoke to the invited First Members of The Mother Church on biblical subjects, especially on “trying the spirits.” Tomlinson, who was present on the occasion, records, “In an extemporaneous address she spoke in her inimitable manner for forty minutes upon Bible topics, giving an address both beautiful and instructive.” Concerning this address the Concord People and Patriot of September 6, 1899, wrote: “’Mary Baker Eddy seemed at her best. Her voice was strong, clear and musical; her womanly bearing, the grace of her movements and the beauty of her complexion all indicating that she is remarkably well preserved for a woman of her years.’” Tomlinson reminiscences, 589, MBEL. The group of 40 would spend the night in Concord and accompany Mrs. Eddy to the fairgrounds the following day. Click here to read an article about this notable visit to the Concord State Fair.
  32. John G. Salchow, “The Privilege of Serving Our Leader,” We Knew Mary Baker Eddy Expanded Edition Vol. I (Boston: The Christian Science Publishing Society), 377. “I have the sweet satisfaction of sending to you weekly flowers that my skillful florist has coaxed into loveliness despite our winter snows,” Mrs. Eddy wrote. Miscellany, 152-153; reprinted from “Not Matter but Spirit,” Christian Science Sentinel 1 (May 11, 1899): 4. See also Tomlinson reminiscences, 295, MBEL.
  33. Reprinted in the Christian Science Sentinel 1 (April 13, 1899): 3. The following year’s Easter service generated this compliment from the People and Patriot: “The display of flowers at Christian Science Hall on Easter day was the most magnificent ever made in a church in this city.” Reprinted in the Christian Science Sentinel 2 (April 26, 1900): 551. Mrs. Eddy also mentions giving flowers from Pleasant View at Eastertime in 1902 and 1903. See Miscellany, 155; “Easter at Christian Science Hall, Concord, N.H.,” Christian Science Sentinel 5 (April 25, 1903): 539; and Tomlinson reminiscences, 524, MBEL.
  34. Miscellany, 157-158. Tomlinson, Twelve Years, 157.
  35. Tomlinson continues, “Past [the Hall’s] portals she had driven every day and gladly greeted its occupants and she did not like to lose so dear a friend. The hope of saving the building had to be abandoned, however, since the giant trees which overspread Concord streets proved an effectual barrier to removal and no vacant land close at hand was found available.” Tomlinson reminiscences, 304-305, MBEL. The May 7, 1903 issue of the Concord Monitor also reported: “It had been hoped that the Hall might be removed to another locality, but this has been found impracticable and it will be torn down to make way for the new edifice.” Reprinted as “Gift of Mrs. Eddy,” The Christian Science Journal 21 (June 1903): 141.
  36. Tomlinson, Twelve Years, 151. In February 1899, when the church was organized, there were 74 members in total. By 1904, the membership had grown to 205. “Dedication of the Church in Concord,” Christian Science Sentinel.
  37. “The Final Meeting,” Christian Science Sentinel 5 (June 13, 1903): 649; reprinted from the Concord Monitor.